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Havana: Congresso Sulla Telematica Internazionale

14 Novembre 2002 Commenta

Havana – Cujae, Havana, Cuba, 25-29 Novembre 2002 Istituto Superiore Politecnico Jose’ Antonio Echeverría: 2° Congresso sulla Telematica Internazionale, CITEL 2002. La Conferenza focalizzera’ l’attenzione sul ruolo degli strumenti telematici per quanto riguarda la formazione a distanza e l’informatizzazione della societa’. Partecipano: Ignacio González Planas, Minister Ministry de Informatics and Communications; Dra. Caridad Anías Calderón, Chief of the Department of Telematics. Network Director of Cujae; MSc. Yoel Ledo Mezquita, Responsible for CUJAE Network Information. Chief of the Digital Intelligence Research Group. Department of Telematics. Cujae. Cuba; Eng. Ramse’s Gonzales Felipe, Profesor of Telematics Department. Department of Telematics. Cujae. Cuba; Alejandro Gabriel Machado Cento, Informatics Engineering Student. Assistant Professor and Project Coordinator. Department of Telematics. Cujae. Cuba; Dr. Jesús Martínez Martínez, Titular Adjunct Professor Department of Telematics. Cujae. Cuba; Dra. Carmen Moliner Peña, Graduate Coordinator in Telematics Department of Telematics. Cujae. Cuba; Dr. Manuel González de la Barrera, Telematics Department Adviser. Cujae. Cuba, National President of Telecommunications and Electrical Engineering Career, Info: http://www.ispjae.cu/eventos/citel/anuncios/segundo/CITEL2002_ENG.htm

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