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Il Ministro Per L’Innovazione E Le Tecnologie Partecipa Alla Conferenza Preparatoria Del Vertice Mondiale Sulle Societa’ Dell’Informazione

4 Novembre 2002 Commenta

Bucarest – In relazione al Summit mondiale sulla Societa’dell’Informazione che si terra’ a Genova nel dicembre 2003 e a Tunisinel 2005, la Romania ospitera’, dal 7 al 9 novembre presso il Palazzodel Parlamento a Bucarest, una delle Conferenze preparatorie all’evento:ITU, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Governo rumeno -“Pan-European Regional Ministerial Conference”. Oltre l’intervento delMinistro per L’Innovazione e le Tecnologie, Lucio Stanca, previstiquelli di: Dan Nica, Minister of Communications and InformationTechnology Romania; Carlo Trojan, Ambassador UE on behalf of Mr.Liikanen, Information Society Commissioner; Mark Furrer, Minister forCommunications, Switzerland; Helge Sander, Minister of Science,Technology and Innovation, Denmark; David Gross, Deputy Assistant to theSecretary of State, US; Leonid Reiman, Minister of Communications andInformatization, Russian Federation; Kimmo Sassi, Minister for Transportand Communications, Finland; Jumaliev Kubanychbek, Vice Prime Minister,Minister of Transport & Communication, Kyrgyz Republic; Pastorelli Jean,Plenipotentiary Minister Monaco; Pavel Gantar, Minister of InformationSociety, Slovenia; Juozas Bernatonis, Minister of the Interior,Lithuania; Nadir AKHMADOV, Minister of Communications, Azerbaidjan;Gurlichova Marcela, Deputy Minister of Transportation andCommunications, Czech Republic; Tonisson Liina, Minister of Transportand Communications, Estonia; GALEA Censu, Minister of Transportation andCommunications, MALTA; BOZIDAR Milovic, Federal Minister, FederalMinistry of Transport and Telecommunication, Yugoslavia; AndranikManukyan, Minister of Transport and Communications, Armenia; PavolProkopovic, Minister of Transport, Post and Communications, SlovakRepublic. Info: http://www.wsis-romania.ro/

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